Musings or this Writer’s Thoughts on America’s Direction

We have had Donald J. Trump in the office of President of the United States for now six hundred and seventy days as of today. What and where do we, as a people in this country, see as to this country’s direction. As one of this countries residents, my answer would be chaos and disruption. Others would say that we are moving in the right direction, ie: isolationism, the USA for the USA. It actually seems to be more of a moral direction than physical one. At this time in history the religious or moral conservative right (republicans) are in charge and the liberal left (democrats) are being left behind.

Trump has energized the religious conservative right and for the first time in many years they are in charge. This leadership seems to be tearing the country apart. The religious right seems to have no compassion or the ability to understand any other view but their own.  All other views are wrong and those folk with another view will be damned to hell. It is interesting to see how closed off to the rest of the world these folk are. For to them there is no other way but their way or of course the highway. It is love America or leave it, but to love America, you must believe and be just like them. If you are different, then you don’t belong and need to be gone,  never to come back.  All laws and rules must follow their idea of the Old Testament and the laws of Moses. Hate to say it, but to me, that is going backwards in time and back into the dark ages.

The religious right say that they believe in God and his book, but His Son did say: you without sin throw the first stone at the sinner. My question is who of us is without sin? According to these ultra conservatives either follow their lead or get out. Trump is their hero, he has played to their feelings and to their beliefs. Now to them, he can do no wrong. Until or maybe when the rest of the republicans find their belief in themselves and in the Rule of Law, there is no way in this century or with this generation that this county can continue to run this way. This country is and is being fractured, maybe beyond he point of no return.

The democrats are in just as much disarray, they have no plan except to get rid of Trump. From what I see, they have no more a plan as to the way this country should go as do their counterparts, the republicans. All the democrats want is to get back in charge of this country. They have not said what they really want, except to be in charge. Without a path to go how can this country move forward. The dems, also are in the past with their thinking and most really think that is the way to go. Again, this country is in chaos with no direction.

It may be time for the younger generation to step forward and throw their hats into the ring. They seem to have ideas and are not showing the partisan leanings of their elders. This country needs some folk who want to unify and not divide this country. It truly is time for the people of this country to work together and not to continue the old adage of divide then conquer. Only time will tell whether this country will continue as a leader of the free world, or as a second or third class country in total disarray, heading for total collapse. This country was founded on an idea that all people were created as equals, no matter what race religion color, or gender. It has taken us two hundred years to get to a point where that was begining to sink in.

Now in this chaotic time we need to get back to the idea that it is not the difference that divides us, but the inability to change our ways of thinking. We must stop looking backwards and start looking forward. It is time for a change. It is time to work together for the country and accept the differences of all people as well as that which is the same. This hopefully will allow us to unify and continue to fix the fractures in our land, making us truly unified and headed in the right direction of true democracy.