The following was written back in August of this year, before I started this blog. I feel that it is still very relevant today as it was when I actually played with the words that I scribbled in my iPad. Enjoy and get involved in today’s world.
Trump is still at it, trying to divide this country into the ultra conservative religious right and the very liberal free thinking left. The haves and the have nots, or into white, black, brown, red or what every race or color you are. Guess he truly believes in the old adage of divide and conquer. Facts of the issues don’t really matter at all. The only thing that really matter is being for or against Trump and his so-called ideals. This dude really doesn’t believe in this country, he only believes in himself and in how great he looks and is. Truth does not matter at all. Belief in freedom and the Rule of Law does not matter. This county does not matter. All that matters is what he says and what he, himself, believes and is willing to do. Lying and cheating is all well and good as long as Donald J. Trump does it and his base is willing to agree to take a blind eye to his actions, for he truly thinks he is the greatest thing since the coming of the son of God.
When will the ordinary citizen wake up and start thinking for him or herself and start actually acting as an intelligent, conscientious being. When will the populace of this county remember who and what they are? When will this country remember why it was created? This was a country birthed in diversity and forged by war. The so called easy living and having everything handed to you on a silver platter was the illusion sold to the general population and is the illusion that Trump is trying to sell again. Greatness comes from blood, sweat, and tears. Working in unity for what is needed and remembering that your next door neighbor is working for the same as you, a better life for yourself and your family. It matters not where in this world your neighbor comes from or where their ancestors came from. It matters not color, race, religion, sexual preferences, or political leanings. What matters is that they want the same as you: life, liberty, and ultimately happiness.
Working with others for the same goal is what is needed and what should be happening. That goal is not there and working together for the good of the country and ourselves is not there. What is there is hatred, strife, and chaos. This is the disease of our time and is the disease that is not being treated. This is the disease that Trump is handing out. This is what he wants, for if he is successful then tyranny will be the rule of the day and the law of the land. Freedom will be buried and hidden deep in the dark abyss of our memory. Freedom from tyranny was this country’s aim and from that tyranny came the diverse nation known as the United States of America. Do not let one foolish, tyrannical and egotistical idiot take that land and change it into the chaotic hell that exists only in his mind. Remember infinite diversity in infinite combinations gives a better life than hatred, violence and death.
As Spock said in Star Trek: