To those who are interested and to those who aren’t, I will say the following bunch of words, read on if you dare or don’t, it matters not. All that matters is that at this moment I say, what I believe.

Our freedom has never been given to us for free. We have had to struggle to get it and we will have to struggle to keep it. Democracy as we know it has a price and if you are not willing to pay that price, you will become nothing more than chattel to be sold to the highest bidder.

We have been at this crossroads before, and now we are it it again with the Trump administration. Trump believes that he has all the answers and should never be questioned. It seems to be his belief that no one is allowed to disagree, just follow orders or take a hike and disappear. Freedom of speech and assembly not wanted, and if possible not allowed. Only devotion and admiration to be allowed. Only groveling and worship wanted. The constitution is outmoded and should be discarded.

It is time to wake up from the nightmare, this administration wants to disband the rights given to all Americans by the Constitution, and we the citizens are not trying to stop them. Wake up, realize what is going on around you. This so called government is sowing dissension and deceit, and like mindless puppets, we are not seeing, hearing, or speaking. We are going along with whatever they want, hoping that someone else will put a stop to it. GUESS WHAT, THEY WON’T!!!

It is up to us to speak out and to act, not through violence but through the VOTE. In November, the mid-term election is here. If you want to change the course that this country is on, then get out and vote.  ALL VOTES COUNT!   That means yours, mine and our neighbors. The only way we can get this ship of state back on course is to VOTE!