What is held so dear, above the life of ones’s self, above even the love of one’s self, as is the love of ones liberty. The ability to choose or have the right to choose the government that will govern you. The right to help make the laws by which you are governed and above all the right to live with dignity and pride, bowing down to no one man’s wishes and whims.
These are the rights given to all men no matter what race, creed, religion, sex, or whatever. These rights belong to a man the day he is born; and no person living or dead has the right or power to take away these gifts of heaven and hell alike.
To live up to these rights takes at times more than a person is willing to give and therefore they will lose the right to have their “God given rights”.
To stand up for liberty, to have the right to choose your own government and live by the laws of your own choosing, you must be ready to fight – and to die.
For nothing is worth more than liberty, except for dignity and pride in knowing that you are right. And dignity and pride are nothing if there is no freedom to pursue with all ones might and power the peace and happiness that liberty brings. This is what we as people should live for. And to this end it will be what we die for. The serenity in liberty with love, peace, freedom, and happiness. That is the ultimate goal.
written in 1971, I still believe in this country and all the people in it. What we now have to remember is that we are all one people with love for our families and our neighbors. It matters not what religion, creed, or color. We are all brothers and sisters in this land and in this world, with peace, liberty, and dignity as our goal.
Good write!