The U.S.A., country of the free, is turning into a police state. In North Dakota, Native American Indians are not being allowed to vote because of a new law that says that all voters must have an actual street address on their I.D.s to vote in the primary election this year. Question for you: how do you have a street address on your ID, if thee are no registered streets on the reservation? This is bull shit, these people are Americans and by law have the right to vote, they are registered voters. No one man, or in this case Party, has the right to stop an American from voting. When has this country become a fascist state, catering only to white men and women from only one Party, ie: the Republican Party? Not allowing Americans: Native American Indians, that are register voters, from being able to vote is a travesty to all that tis country stands for. It denigrates all that this country stands for. What has happened to the constitutional rights of all American citizens in this country? This is no longer a country of, by and for Americans; it is now only for the white, the privileged, and the rich. No one else counts.
On another front, in Georgia, the man running for the senate, a Republican, the State Attorney General, has set up the election process in such a way that many folks in his district, the elderly, mainly black, and others non white races will not be allowed vote. They have been arbitrarily taken off the voting roles. What in the hell is wrong with this county? This is not my country. This is not the country in which I pledged to defend, with my life. This is not the country that our fore fathers fought to create. This is a country now that is for, by, and of Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party. If the above is allowed, then this is not a free republic, but it is a fascist dictatorship. This must be stopped. All Americans have a right to register, and to vote without jumping through insane legal hoops setup to stop people from going to the polls and from voting.