I have written much
But with no meaning
I have said many a word
But said nothing
I have listened to others speak
But heard nothing
I have seen many things
But never really looked
I have been taught much
But never learned a thing
To this day, what have I accomplished
In one word, Nothing
I am but a shadow
To be seen through by all
I live a shadow’s life
Doing nothing
For what purpose then am I:
To write with meaning
To say something
To hear others speak
To see a real world
To learn what it is to live
To accomplish the greatest feat of all
To be a useful part of life
That is my purpose in being
written in January 1974, at that time I was in the confusing 20’s, in the army wondering who, what and why I was in this terrible destructive world. Remember Viet Nam was still in the war mode and we were losing many young people. Now I am in my very early 70’s and I still wonder who, what, and why, still losing many young people in war and in hatred being bred by the government that I once served. I am standing back watching, an inept President try to destroy a country that I served and loved; that I still would serve, and that I still love with my whole being. I write this in hope that others will think, then actually do, what I have been unable to do up to this time. Heal the breach that has widened beyond belief. It is time to work together, not to continually pull the land and the people apart.