The Republican side of the Judicial committee has seen and read the very biased report on Kavanaugh. Man, according to this report, by the FBI, this so called judge walks on water and can do no wrong. Only those who sided with the Republicans and Trump, were interviewed. This was not an impartial search for the truth, it was not a search at all. Woe is the state of the American political system. Woe is the state of this countries path to a bipartisan and fair vote on the Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court; or for that matter, anything that could or would help the American people, if controversial. We the people have been screwed and like babies, will eat the pablum and drink the cool-aid handed out by this very partisan administration.The Republicans will get their way and the common folk will be dumped on again. ALL HAIL TRUMP, ALL HAIL KAVANAUGH!!
How can Kavanaugh be impartial, when he believes in an imperial President, when he believes that women are second class citizens, that must do as they are told and only White Men in power, can have a say. How can over half the country get a fair shake, when this man shouted and demeaned the democrats on the Judicial Committee. This candidate for the highest court in this land should not be confirmed, but the republicans will jam him down the throats of the American people, just because the mighty President Trump wants him.
During the confirmation hearing, the public saw Judge Kavanaugh throw a hissy fit and the Republicans did not even bat an eye. How can an unstable, arrogant fool become a Supreme Court Judge in this land? In this case, doing and saying everything that King Trump, whoops, meant President Trump, wanted to hear. The hearing was a joke and the people of this land will take the brunt of this total farce. This country is becoming ineffectual and so divided that we are looking like a third world country with no brain, only brawn and oafish bravado. It is becoming TrumpLand with the blessings of the conservative, bible thumping right. Again I will sarcastically cry: ALL HAIL TRUMP, KING OF THE FOOLS.